We waved goodbye to the Crash Test Boat – the subject of so many dramatic stories as it was put through some very extreme destruction tests by Yachting Monthly – when she finally left the Tullett Prebon London Boat Show after being one of the central exhibits there during the January show. The yacht, or at least what is left of it, after a controlled galley Gas Explosion which took the deck off, has now been transported to the International Boatbuilding Training College in Lowestoft where students will practice their skills on her.
“Our yacht has seen so many dramas,” commented Admiral’s Robert Holbrook. “A Dismasting, a Capsize, a Fire Onboard, Sinking and Leaking have all contributed to the poor boat’s demise.” The final test was to find out what the effects of a Gas Explosion would be, and this was dramatically carried out, blowing the deck off in the Solent, before the yacht was taken to the London Boat Show.
“Nothing was wasted,” added Robert. “A great number of lessons were learnt from the tests , and now the hull, still relatively intact has been handed over to the young boatbuilders.” It’s been the end of a busy year for Admiral Yacht Insurance, Yachting Monthly and of course the Crash Test Boat. Adieu!
Robert Holbrook, MD Admiral Marine

“Often, the first natural human instinct when an emergency or disaster strikes is panic. In a series of controlled experiments, the Yachting Monthly crew put theory to the test by re-enacting some typical worst-case scenario sailing accidents or emergencies – such as grounding, capsize and mast failure. Risk assessment and careful consultation with experts was at the core of all tests. How often are incidents like this photographed and filmed in detail? By sharing their findings in a series of articles, I could see how yachtsmen could learn much invaluable information. Why not learn from our mistakes by following her story so you can avoid making your own?”
All Yacht Monthly articles are available in full
Download the full, unabridged Yachting Monthly articles in PDF format below for reading at your leisure.
What to do When your Yacht Run Aground: Yachting Monthly Article (PDF)
Dismasting: Yachting Monthly Article (PDF)
Capsizing: Yachting Monthly Article (PDF)