The ‘Crash Test Boat Series’ is an initiative launched by Yachting Monthly editor, Paul Gelder, back in 2011. The intention of the series is to replicate a wave of ‘controlled’ sailing disasters. We’ve been involved as a principal participant of the series for the past decade.
We’ve seen all sorts of yachting disasters – from UK coastal dramas to mid-ocean calamities – and have dealt with many insurance clients who have fallen victim to the unexpected or unavoidable.
We’ve sponsored a series of ‘crash tests’ that were carried out by the daring folk at Yachting Monthly, to help promote safety and good seamanship.
Readers of Yachting Monthly and followers of yachting videos on portals such as You Tube, will have noticed our involvement as principal participant within the “Crash Test Boat Series” – an initiative for 2011 launched by editor, Paul Gelder, with the intention of replicating a series of “controlled” sailing disasters, the results of which are listed below.
The yacht was anchored in 8m and a 200m exclusion zone was set up before simulating a shocking gas explosion.
Why would Admiral trust a yacht to this lot?
Robert Holbrook, Managing Director of Admiral, has seen all sorts of yachting disasters – from UK coastal dramas to mid-ocean calamities – and has dealt with many insurance clients who have fallen victim to the unexpected or the unavoidable.
A keen cruising and racing yachtsman, Robert is sponsoring a series of ‘crash tests’ to be carried out by the daring folk at Yachting Monthly. The Crash Test Boat series will help promote safety and good seamanship – ultimately a good result for all concerned!
Said Robert: ‘Why not learn from our mistakes so you can avoid making your own?’